miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012

How to use Android Wheel - Part 1

Do not try to reinvent the wheel... but if you do, make sure is the Android Wheel

Coming from iOS world one thing I really missed when I first started coding in Android was this fancy picker date of iOS, so I looked around Internet and I ran into this project:

It seemed pretty cool to me and just exactly what I was looking for, however I had no idea how to include it into my project; actually is very easy but first I had to struggle a little bit wandering how to start and that’s why I post this small tutorial hoping save time to those who are trying to use Android wheel.

If you go to the Downloads tab in the project Web page the only thing you will get is the apk, but what we need is the source code, so the key is get it via subversion.

If you are working on MAC, subversion is already installed, but if you need type this line on terminal to install it.

To install subversion on Linux type:

For Debian

For Red Hat

To install on Windows I choose the following client:
Once you’ve installed subversion is very straightforward to get the source code, just type on terminal: 

In the path you made the download, you will find two folders: wheel and wheel_demo, the important one obviously is wheel, import it as project in eclipse: File-> Import-> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace and choose the folder “wheel” you just download.

Once we’ve imported the source code, we need to add it as library to our project.

Go to Project-> Properties -> Android, in section Library press the button Add and select the wheel project

Done this we've finish, we can use now Android Wheel Classes to make look cool our app. In a second part for this post I will show an example.

viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012

How to make money

Sometimes, people can make money by creating music but not by listening,
Sometimes, people can make money by writing books but not by reading them,
Sometimes, people can make money by making movies but not by watching them.
What a shame! I would be rich.